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Peace be with you all, and welcome to my website. My name is Danea Countach (which is pronounced: Dana Coon-tash.) First, I just want to say: It is never easy for me to find the right words to logically explain my current social status in the world today. Without question, if people don't have the necessary attributes (e.g., open mindedness to new information; ability to solve complex problems using ‘objective’ critical analysis; utilization of common sense; ability to have already – correctly interpreted – many Biblical Scriptures / prophecies / symbolism,) then there is about a 98-99% chance that those individuals would not believe what I'm about to say next. Yet, trust me, I'm neither delusional, or being deceptive in any way. In addition, I’ve never been diagnosed with any mental illnesses either. Since 2015, I’ve lived a drug free, and sober life.


It is my hope that at least some people who read the words that I have put together on this website, and will be – open minded – to what I’m about to say, and will also perform a detailed evaluation of what’s being proposed. Because, I believe that it is important for me to justify why I have priced this painting at its current price point. The primary reason is: This whole painting endeavor “has been”, and “is now”, being led by Divine Providence. Now, due to historical religious apostasy, and heresy over past millennia, today we have various interpretations of the Scriptures Malachi 3:1-3, Malachi 4:5-6, and Mathew 17:11. However, when the Israelites (a.k.a. the Chosen People) first interpreted those prophecies about 2,500 years ago, they initially interpreted those verses to pertain to: A harbinger (a.k.a., a forerunner prophet) for the Messiah…who would arrive on earth before the upcoming great and terrible day of the Lord (a.k.a., the Great Tribulation.) Nevertheless, since the Israelites originally interpreted those verses, some holier-than-thou religious leaders came along afterwards…and decided to – arbitrarily adulterate – the original context, and original meaning, behind those Scriptures. Which of course, causes some followers of the Abrahamic religions today, to have adopted a corrupted interpretation of those particular Scriptures.  


In actuality, Malachi 3:1 pertains to both forerunners (i.e., John the Baptist, as well as myself.) It is also good to know, that I'm not some self-anointed false prophet either. I was called to ministry by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. It all started way back on September 22, 2017 (the first day of Fall of that year,) this was when the Holy Spirit came over me…and spiritually-revealed: I was the end-of-an-age prophet that was prophesied of in the Bible! Clearly, this was not something that I was prepared to hear. So, naturally, I really didn’t know how to deal with this unexpected event. I mean, I knew about certain Biblical prophecies and all, but still, I was so confused, and I was having tremendous difficulty in trying to understand what this unprecedented development was all about! Then, shortly after, one day while I was sleeping, the Lord Jesus Christ “entered my dream,” and instructed me to, “Start a ministry.” Now, seriously, I was totally stupefied by this event! Because, for one, I had never had a dream quite like this before. And secondly, I had absolutely no previous ambition on ever starting a ministry. 


It was all so peculiar, and foreign to me. Again, I was still having allot of difficulty in processing all of these supernatural, and unprecedented events that was occurring in my life. Yet, for some strange reason, I felt deep down inside that “I knew” that all of these reoccurring, and amazing events was happening for a good reason! It was just all so surreal. Now, shortly after the first dream, surprisingly, I had a second dream, and in this dream, the Lord Jesus Christ visited me again, and He basically inquired: What’s is the status of me starting my ministry? Now, I must say that by this time, I was feeling just a tad bit pressured to start a ministry. Just a little. And in spite of being so confused, I was now starting to feel an urgency to do something…but I still needed a little more proof that this all real. That’s when I decided to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, and ask Him for: A sign in the sky in the month of November 2017, that prove to me, that I was His messenger. Then, it was on a chilly night of November 21, 2017, when I came outside into the cold night air, and immediately, my attention was drawn up to the sky, on my right, and that’s when I saw – this majestic and brilliantly colored orange light hovering silently – about 3 miles away from me (to the east!) This anomalous light was hovering at approximately 15,000-20,000 feet. Somehow, this brilliant light was able to spiritually-reveal to me: It had been waiting for me. Which I’ll admit, was a little shocking. Then, for some unknown reason, I decided to telepathically ask the brilliant light: To move for me. That’s when much to my amazement, this brilliant light began to fly in a wavy-flight-path (from the east to the west, just like the Star of Bethlehem did in the Bible,) directly over my head, until it disappeared off over the horizon. Ironically, this was also how the Lord Jesus Christ said He would return to earth in Mathew 24:27 (i.e., coming from the east, and going towards the west.) From this point on, I knew that this was the sign which I had prayed for earlier, and I was so glad to see that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, came to visit His forerunner prophet


1988 - 1989

Certificate of Recognition

Rhinelander, WI

Painting - Advanced

1988 - 1988

Certificate of Recognition

Rhinelander, WI

Painting - Beginning
